รศ.พญ.กาญจนา โชติเลอศักดิ์
มัธยมปลาย : เตรียมอุดมศึกษา
พ.บ. : จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย พ.ศ.2535
อื่นๆ : วุฒิบัตรสาขารังสีรักษา พ.ศ.2538
บรรจุเป็นอาจารย์คณะแพทยศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ.2542
- 1985-1991 : Medical School: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- 1992-1995 : Residency Training: Division of Radiation Oncology,
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand - 1996-1998 : Postgraduate Training
» National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
» University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
» Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- 1992 : Doctor of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
- 1993 : Graduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences (Radiology), Chulalongkorn University
- 1995 : Diplomate, Thai Board of Radiation Oncology
- 1998-Present : Staff Member of Division of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology,
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Skin Toxicity and Cosmesis after Hypofractionated Whole Breast Irradiation for Early Breast Cancer.Kitwadee Saksornchai MD, Prayuth Rojpornpradit MD, Kanjana Shotelersak MD, Chawalit Lertbutsayanukul MD, Chakkapong Chakkabat MD, Tassapong Raiyawa MD. J Med Assoc Thai 2012; 95 (2): 229-40.
Darunee Tongwan, Thanaparn Peerawong, Sornjarod Oonsiri, Kanjana Shotelersuk. Craniospinal irradiation in the supine position: a dosimetric analysis. Asian Biomedicine Vol.3 No.6 December 2009; 699-708.
Lertbutsayanukul C, Shotelersuk K, Khorprasert C, Sanghangthum T, Oonsiri S, Ayuthaya II, Jumpangern C, Suriyapee S, Rojpornpradit P. A two-year experience of implementing 3 dimensional radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy for 925 patients in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai. 2008 Feb; 91(2):215-24
Yanatatsaneejit P, Chalermchai T, Kerekhanjanarong V, Shotelersuk K, Supiyaphun P, Mutirangura A, Sriuranpong V.Promoter hypermethylation of CCNA1, RARRES1, and HRASLS3 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Oral Oncol. 2008 Apr;44(4):400-6. Epub 2007 Aug 3
Lertbutsayanukul C, Khorprasert C, Shotelersuk K, Jumpangern C, Sanghangthum T, Oonsiri S, Ayuthaya II, Suriyapee S, Wadwongtham W, Supanakorn S, Kerekanjanarong V, Rojpornpradit P. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy in head-and-neck cancer, first report in Thailand J Med Assoc Thai. 2006 Dec;89(12):2068-76
Veerasarn V, Phromratanapongse P, Suntornpong N, Lorvidhaya V, Sukthomya V, Chitapanarux I, Tesavibul C, Swangsilpa T, Khorprasert C, Shotelersuk K, Kongthanarat Y, Panichevaluk A, Chiewvit S, Pusuwan P, Aekmahachai M, Ratchadara S, Sirilipoche S, Saengsuda Y. Effect of Amifostine to prevent radiotherapy-Induced acute and late toxicity in head and neck cancer patients who had normal or mild impaired salivary gland function. J Med Assoc Thai 2006; 89(12):2056-67.
Sukhaboon J, Shotelersuk K, Lertsanguansinchai P, Khorprasert C. Reducing radiation dose to pelvic small bowel in cervical cancer patients treated with Ir-192 intracavitary brachytherapy by using urinary bladder distension. J Med Assoc Thai. 2005 Sep;88 Suppl 4:S200-6.
Lertsanguansinchai P, Lertbutsayanukul C, Chatamra K, Shotelersuk K, Voravud N, Khorprasert C. Pattern of local-regional recurrence in patient with early breast cancer after mastectomy: an analysis of 357 cases at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai. 2004 Sep;87 Suppl 2:S168-74.
Lertsanguansinchai P, Lertbutsayanukul C, Shotelersuk K, Khorprasert C, Rojpornpradit P, Chottetanaprasith T, Srisuthep A, Suriyapee S, Jumpangern C, Tresukosol D, Charoonsantikul C. Phase III randomized trial comparing LDR and HDR brachytherapy in treatment of cervical carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004 Aug 1;59(5): 1424-31.
Shotelersuk K, Rojpornpradit P, Chottetanaprasit T, Lertbutsayanukul C, Lertsanguansinchai P, Khorprasert C, Asavametha N, Suriyapee S, Jumpangern C. Intracranial germ cell tumors: experience in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai. 2003 Jul;86(7):603-11
Hirunsatit R, Kongruttanachok N, Shotelersuk K, Supiyaphun P, Voravud N, Sakuntabhai A, Mutirangura A. Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor polymorphisms and risk of nasopharyngeal cancer. BMC Genet. 2003 Jan 21;4:3. Epub 2003 Jan 21.
Lertsanguansinchai P, Chottetanaprasith T, Chatamra K, Sampatanukul P, Wannakrairot P, Rojpornpradit P, Shotelersuk K, Lertbutsayanukul C, Boonjunwetwat D, Vajragupta L. Estrogen and progesterone receptors status in Thai female breast cancer patients: an analysis of 399 cases at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai. 2002 Jun;85 Suppl 1:S193-202.
Shotelersuk V, Ittiwut C, Shotelersuk K, Triratanachat S, Poovorawan Y, Mutirangura A. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 S249C mutation in virus associated squamous cell carcinomas. Oncol Rep. 2001 Nov-Dec;8(6):1301-4.
Lertbutsayanukul C, Lertsanguansinchai P, Shotelersuk K, Khorprasert C, Rojpornpradit P, Asavametha N, Pataramontree J, Suriyapee S, Tresukosol D, Termrungruanglert W. Results of radiation therapy in stage IB cervical carcinoma at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital ; fifteen-year experience. J Med Assoc Thai. 2001 Jun; 84 Suppl 1: S216-27
Shotelersuk K, Rojpornpradit P, Khorprasert C, Lertsaguansinchai P, Asavametha N. A 11-year experience of radiation therapy for medulloblastoma at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Chula Med J 2001; 45(9): 755-65
Pornthanakasem W, Shotelersuk K, Termrungruanglert W, Voravud N, Niruthisard S, Mutirangura A. Human papillomavirus DNA in plasma of patients with cervical cancer. BMC Cancer. 2001;1:2. Epub 2001 Mar 5.
Shotelersuk K, Boonkong V. Abdominal wall compression and prone position effectively displace pelvic small bowel and reduce irradiated volume. ASEAN J RADIOL 2001; 7(1): 71-80
Shotelersuk K, Khorprasert C, Sakdikul S, Pornthanakasem W, Voravud N, Mutirangura A. Eepstein-Barr Virus DNA in Serum/Plasma as a Tumor Marker for Nasopharyngeal Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2000; 6, 1046-1051
Rojpornpradit P, Khorprasert C, Shotelersuk K, Lertsanguansinchai P. Results of Radiotherapy for glottic cancer. Chula Med J 1998; 42(7): 495-504
Khorprasert C, Shotelersuk K, Jumpangern C. Intergrated Software Tools for the Calculation in Radiotherapy. The Asean Journal of Radiology Vol.3 No.1 1997
Khorprasert C, Shotelersuk(Apinonkul) K, Pataramontree J, Swatdiswane W: Mechanical and Positioning Accuracy Measurements of Modified CT Simulation at Chulalongkorn Hospital. J Soc Rad Onc Thai 1996; 2(1): 23-32