
Donation For Pediatric cancer
Donation For Patients In Need
- To give financial aid to cancer patients at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital who are unable to afford the cost of medical treatment and increase the opportunity to access good and effective medical care and have a good quality of life
- To procure supply medical equipment and drugs that are not listed on the National List of Essential Medicines that cannot be reimbursed from the treatment rights and must pay by yourself
- To help the cost of travel expenses for medical treatment to be able to receive continuous treatment
How to donate
For donations, please contact the Divion of Radiation Oncology, Department of Radiology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital at 0-2256-4334 ext. 60171. Alternatively, donations can be made via bank transfer to the saving account at Siam Commercial Bank, account number 406-532104-7.

Donation For Improving The Quality Of Service
- To improve the quality of service, procure necessary medical equipments or other service-related hardware in need
- To provide accessories for treatment
- To purchase necessary medical equipment urgently
How to donate
For donations, please contact the Divion of Radiation Oncology, Department of Radiology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital at 0-2256-4334 ext. 60171. Alternatively, donations can be made via bank transfer to the saving account at Siam Commercial Bank, account number 406-532104-7.
Donation For Medical Devices And Personnel Development
This donation fund is dedicated to supporting the acquisition of medical devices and the development of medical personnel. The fund’s goal is to improve access to quality medical services and improve the standard of radiation oncology care. The fund will support the purchase and distribution of essential medical equipments. Additionally, the fund will provide training and support for personnel, including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide the best care possible.
How to donate
For donations, please visit Sala Tintad (next to Administrative Building and Por Por Ror Building) on weekdays 8 AM – 3 PM and on weekends 8 AM – 2 PM, Tel.02 256 4397. The fund code is 25010017-0003.